Vijay Raj

“Rangoli Story Time”, 

A well-told Story is a gift to the listener because it teaches them how to confront their discomforts.

Storytelling—it’s more than just a fun pastime it’s an integral part of human culture that has existed since the beginning of time. Storytelling is a powerful way to share our experiences, values, beliefs, and dreams with others through inventive narrative structures.

A folktale is a kind of story that’s passed down through generations, typically by word of mouth. Because of this, most folktales are hundreds of years old, with their origins unknown. They're closely related to many storytelling traditions, including fables, myths, and fairy tales. Every human society has its folktales; these well-known are an important way of passing along knowledge, information, and history Folktales reflect the ethics of their culture and teach universal truths and values.

So here, this is Vijay, the ultimate fun-loving personality who’s always ready to make everyone’s day brighter and better! I have been involved in bits and pieces in the radio industry for randomly over 3 years and travelled with this passion from Chennai to Manchester. The only mantra for me is just to hold the hunger with thirst and keep the dream alive.! Anyone looking for a dose of laughter, entertainment, and motivation, please join me on Rangoli’s story time on Rangoli Radio, every week. This show is all about presenting our culture and values through creative folktales enhance with good music, pleasant backgrounds, and a little bit of mimicry voices to the characters.

Listening, Keep Listening, Get energized!